XOXO Brand Strategy

This is a project for a third-year Marketing Communications course at Carleton University. The goal was to create a marketing communications strategy from a given case on XOXO.

AdvertisingBrandingPrint Design
Marketing Assignment
The following is a report done for a third-year marketing course at Carleton University. The class was given a case study and asked to create a report outlining our analysis, recommendation, and implementation plan for the organization. The following is my report and suggested advertising campaign.
The main idea behind the solution was to create an embodiment of the brand, "Jen". Jen would represent the average woman this wine would appeal to, and use this sense of friendship and secret confidante to relate to the target market.
It was suggested that this wine be advertised along popular public transit routes in large cities, outside of registered retail establishments, and in popular women's magazines. In-store advertising was also recommended including larger price markers, and end-of-aisle advertisements.
The messaging for the campaign was "XOXO, Jen", which represents both the brand XOXO, and the sign-off that Jen would use when texting or communicating with her friends. In the advertisments, Jen goes through the same situations women in their 20s and 30s go through in their social life, specifically dating and celebrations with friends. Jen is portrayed as flirty and fun, and overall the type of friend that would be loyal and the perfect confidante for women.
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